Sunday, February 17, 2013

Facebook Statuses about love lost

Good Night all! Sweet dreams. May the angles of God dance around your head and wake you at sunrise.

I used to think you were perfect, that you could do no wrong, then you hurt me and lied to me, and my perception of you changed. now i dont know what to believe

Live your life the way you want not how other people want you to , Love with all your heart, and laugh even though your hurt

If kisses were raindrops,Id send u a shower. If hugs were minutes,Id send u an hour. If smiles were waves, Id send u a sea. if love was a person, Id send u me<3

S.I.N.G.L.E = S.orry, I.m N.ot G.iving L.osers [my] E.nergy :) Sorry, i made the mistake once, I'm not making it again <3

Is still trying to pinch themself to wake up. they is realizing true love and happily ever afters really do come true. I'm living it.


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